These particulars are provided as a general guide of what is being offered subject to contract and availability. These particulars are not intended, nor do they contain, any representation of fact upon which any interested party is entitled or should rely. Consequently this information should be treated as a general guidance. All descriptions, dimensions, references to condition and necessary permissions for use and occupation and other details are given in good faith and are believed to be correct but any intending purchasers or lessees should not rely on them as statements or representations of fact but must satisfy themselves by inspection or otherwise as to the correctness of each of them. The information provided is intended for illustrative purposes only and could change for example, in response to market demands or ground conditions. Journey times to and from the property are for guidance only and prospective purchasers should make their own independent enquiries as appropriate.
Site Disclaimer
This website is intended to give general information about properties which we have built or are building to assist potential customers who may be interested in acquiring one of those properties (subject to contract and availability). We take reasonable steps to ensure that information is correct at the time of going to print but you should not rely on it. Certain information is approximate and designs, features and facilities planned to be provided can often change during the development (for example, in response to market conditions or ground conditions). The latest information and plans are available from our marketing suite during normal working hours and you can check the specification of each type of residence prior to entering into a reservation. However, nothing in this website or any of our materials should be taken as a substitute for your own further enquiries, inspections or independent legal advice.
Computer generated images and artists' impressions are intended to give an artist's impression of the design, based on information available to the artist at the time the image is created. They are not intended to be an accurate description of any specific property, its location or the surrounding area. We do sometimes need to make changes to designs, finishes and features during the development and appearance may vary on completion. Images showing views are based on the site at the time the image is produced. Internal images are for illustrative purposes and may include equipment, items or features which do not reflect the interior or specification. Furniture, soft furnishings, wall coverings etc. are not part of standard specification. Please contact our marketing suite for the latest information on specification.
Floor Plans
Floor plans and layouts are approximate. Dimensions are taken from the architects' drawings, are given to the nearest 15cm (or equivalent in inches) and may differ slightly in the as-built property. Maximum dimensions may include sloping ceilings, pillars, window bays, fitted wardrobes and other features. Floor plans and layouts should not therefore be used for purchasing items such as furniture or carpets.
We reserve the right to change specifications from time to time. We may need to substitute appliances and equipment mentioned on this website but we will seek to ensure that the replacement brand is of similar quality. Please contact our marketing suite for the latest information on specification.
Journey Times
Journey times to and from the property are taken from publicly available sources, are approximate and are subject to change from time to time (for example if timetables or available transport options change). Information is for guidance only and you should make your own independent enquiries as appropriate.
All images, copy and design layout are the property of Limar Group or their licensors. Any unauthorised copying by third parties is strictly not permissible without prior consent.